Core concepts


To understand the process of managing suppliers and materials in our system, we'll explore how to install a supplier package, then proceed to add a custom supplier and a custom material. Next, we'll navigate through the Raw Materials screen to gain insight into its functionalities. Our focus will then shift to pricelists, setting up glass, and finally, we'll delve into the steps involved in adding a new glass type.

How to setup Raw Materials

Installing a Supplier Package

Navigate to:

Location: System Admin -> Installed Suppliers

If your supplier is already listed in Bizman, then you will see them under the Installed Suppliers screen.

Adding their material list and prices is as simple as selecting them and pressing install button on the right. That's it! You are done.

Adding a Custom Supplier

If your supplier is not listed in Bizman, you can simply add them yourself.

Navigate to System Admin -> Installed Suppliers and press the Code Equivalents button.

  • Press the More Suppliers button top right.
  • Type in your supplier name and press the save icon and close the window.

Filter this screen by the range you wish to add using the Range Drop down top right. (eg. Casement 30.5)

  • Type in YOUR codes against the relevant supplier codes that already exist in the system.
  • Select the Copy Supplier Codes drop down (select the codes that already exist)
  • Select the To Supplier Codes drop down (select your new supplier you are trying to add)
  • Select the Linked Supplier drop down (select the supplier you are trying to add)
  • Press the Create Supplier Codes button.

Congratulations you've now added custom supplier codes to your Bizman based on what's already loaded. This works for supplier code equivalents, but not unique systems.

Adding a custom material

Location: Materials -> Raw Materials
  • Select a Raw Material similar to the one you are trying to add.
  • Press Copy As button top left.
  • Type in your new material name and press the ok.
  • Type in the new description and press the ok.
  • Optionally copy the 'Types and Prices'
  • Optionally copy the 'Variants'

Press Toggle View button on the right, and you will see your new material selected. Go and change any properties of this raw material to be correct for your new material.

Materials screen

Location: Materials -> Raw Materials

You can filter this screen using the Range dropdown button on the left. Ranges are defined as a 'System' either profile, hardware or glass. You can filter this screen using the Supplier dropdown button on the left. This will filter the screen to only show materials from that supplier.

Every single column can be filtered and sorted by clicking on the small arrow on the right of the column header. (Text filter -> Contains, etc.)

You can toggle the view of the screen by pressing the Toggle View button on the right. This will show you the raw materials in a singluar view. (1 raw material at a time)

Raw materials are broken down into:

MaterialCode - TYPE - VARIANT

One MaterialCode comes in many Types (usually this means colors) and one Type comes in many Variants (usually this means sheet sizes when it comes to Glass)

NB: Prices are associated with the TYPE. So if you have a material that comes in 3 colors, you will have 3 types and 1 material code.

To view prices press the Material Prices and Variants button on the right. Here you can add and edit Types and Prices for the selected material.


Pricelists from an Installed Supplier

When you login to Bizman, it will ask you if you want to download the latest pricelist from your supplier.

If you say yes, it will download the latest pricelist from your supplier and update your Bizman with the latest prices.

Pricelists from a Custom Supplier

You can filter the view on your Materials screen to only show materials from your custom supplier. (and filter by range, also profiles / hardware etc.)

  • Press the Export Pricelist button on the right. This will export an excel file with all the materials from your custom supplier. You can edit this list and import it back into Bizman.
  • Press the Import Pricelist button on the right. This will import the excel file you edited and update your Bizman with the new prices.


Setting up Glass

In the materials screen, change the Range to Glass. This will likely require setup unless you loaded a Glass Supplier during initial setup.

Add any Glass Codes you want to this list, and also make sure the Glass Types are correct. (eg. Clear, Tinted, Low-E, etc.) Also note against the Types you can tick Cut to Size checkbox to tell Bizman that specific type is Cut to Size.

Adding a new Glass

Add a New glass by selecting an existing glass and pressing the Copy As button on the left.

  • Type in your new glass code and press ok.
  • Type in your new glass description and press ok.
  • Press the Toggle View button on the right to see your new glass selected.
  • Make sure to change the glass thickness (known as 'Depth' value) to the correct thickness.
  • Also change the glass sheet size under the 'Size' column.

Press Material Prices and Variants button on the right to add your new glass types and prices.

Congratulations you now have a new glass, you will need to create a 'KIT' before you can use it.

Cutting Lists